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#include "Arduino.h" #include "FiFoQ.h" struct FiFoNode { void *data; struct FiFoNode* next; }; struct FiFoQ { struct FiFoNode* head; struct FiFoNode* tail; int count; size_t dataSize; };

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struct FiFoQ* newQueue(size_t memSize){ struct FiFoQ* p = malloc(sizeof(struct FiFoQ)); p->head = p->tail = NULL; p->dataSize = memSize; p->count = 0; return p;     } bool queueAdd(struct FiFoQ* fq, void* dta) { struct FiFoNode* node = malloc(sizeof(struct FiFoNode)); if(node == NULL) {     return false; } node->next = NULL; void* dat = malloc(fq->dataSize); if(dat == NULL) {     free(node);     return false; } memcpy(dat, dta, fq->dataSize); node->data = dat; if(fq->head == NULL) {     fq->head = fq->tail = node; } else {     fq->tail->next = node;     fq->tail = node; } fq->count++; return true; }

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void* readFirst(const struct FiFoQ* fp) { struct FiFoNode* p = fp->head; if(p) {     return p->data; } else {     return NULL; } } bool deQueue(struct FiFoQ* fp){ if(fp->head == NULL) {     // already empty     return false; } struct FiFoNode* node = fp->head; struct FiFoNode* nxt = node->next; free(node->data); free(node); fp->head = nxt; if(nxt == NULL) {     fp->tail = NULL; } fp->count--; return true; } int getQCount(const struct FiFoQ* fp) { return fp->count; }

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void zapQueue(struct FiFoQ* fp){ bool res = deQueue(fp); while(res){     res = deQueue(fp); } free(fp); }

#ifndef FiFoQ_h #define FiFoQ_h struct FiFoNode; struct FiFoQ; typedef struct FiFoQ* FiFoQPointer; struct FiFoQ* newQueue(size_t memSize); bool queueAdd(struct FiFoQ* fq, void* dta); void* readFirst(const struct FiFoQ* fp); bool deQueue(struct FiFoQ* fp); void zapQueue(struct FiFoQ* fp); int getQCount(const struct FiFoQ* fp); #endif

extern "C"{ #include "FiFoQ.h" } template<class T> inline Print &operator <<(Print &obj, T arg) { obj.print(arg); return obj; } struct MyData { int myVal; int yourVal; }; FiFoQPointer myQ;

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void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); MyData myData; MyData* mDta; myQ = newQueue(sizeof(MyData)); for(int i = 1; i < 21; i++) {     myData.myVal = i << 2;     myData.yourVal = i;     queueAdd(myQ, &myData); } Serial << "Queue has " << getQCount(myQ) << " items loaded\n"; mDta = readFirst(myQ); while(mDta) {     Serial << "Read myval: " << mDta->myVal << " yourVal: " <<          mDta->yourVal << "\n";     deQueue(myQ);     mDta = readFirst(myQ); } Serial << "Queue now has " << getQCount(myQ) << " items\n"; zapQueue(myQ); }

extern "C"{ #include <FiFoQ.h> }
Some complete program listings can be found on the next page...