Apendix 6: The Pointer API event object

This is a selected list of event object attributes so it is always worth checking to see if anything new and useful turns up in the future.

Attribute Description
currentTarget Identifies the HTML element at the point of contact. Exposes additional data (such as the element id)
pointerId Unique identity for the pointer object.
clientX, or x Horizontal position of the point of contact relative to the viewport but excluding any scrolling
clientY, or y Vertical position of the point of contact relative to the viewport but excluding any scrolling
pageX Horizontal position of the point of contact on the page (including any scroll)
pageY Vertical position of the point of contact on the page (including any scroll)
screenX Horizontal position of the point of contact on the PC screen
screenY Vertical position of the point of contact on the PC screen
pointerType “mouse”, “touch” or “pen”
movementX Horizontal movement since last pointermove event
movementY Vertical movement since last pointermove event
altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey Key states – true for down
button Indicates which mouse buttons are down if any
height, width Approximate area of contact for a touch (1 x 1 for a mouse)