The Code

#ifndef Stack_H #define Stack_H template<typename T> class Stack { public: Stack(); ~Stack(); void push(const T); T pop(); T peek(); size_t stackCount(); bool empty(); private: bool isFull(); void resize(size_t); static const size_t defSize = 4; T* stackPointer; T noT; size_t sSize, top, tSize; }; template<typename T> Stack<T>::Stack() { top = 0; tSize = sizeof(T); stackPointer = (T*)malloc(tSize * defSize); if (stackPointer == NULL) { sSize = 0; } sSize = defSize; memset(&noT, 0, tSize); } template<typename T> Stack<T>::~Stack() { free(stackPointer); } template<typename T> void Stack<T>::push(const T t) { if (isFull()) { resize(sSize * 2); } stackPointer[top++] = t; } template<typename T> T Stack<T>::pop() { if (empty()) { return noT; } T t = stackPointer[--top]; // think about resizing if (top <= sSize / 4 && sSize > defSize) { resize(sSize / 2); } return t; } template<typename T> T Stack<T>::peek() { if (empty()) { return noT; } else { T t = stackPointer[top - 1]; return t; } } template<typename T> size_t Stack<T>::stackCount() { return top; } template<typename T> bool Stack<T>::empty() { return (top == 0); } template<typename T> bool Stack<T>::isFull() { return (top == sSize); } template<typename T> void Stack<T>::resize(size_t newSize) { T* tempP = (T *)realloc(stackPointer, tSize * newSize); if (tempP) { stackPointer = tempP; sSize = newSize; } } #endif

#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "Stack.h" #include <iostream> #include "Stackh.h" using namespace std; #define OPCOUNT 6 #define MAXTOKENS 30 #define BUFFSIZE 133 void processExpr(); uint8_t findNextToken(bool); uint8_t validateExp(); double evalExp(); double doArith(uint8_t, double, double); void displayError(); enum Tokens { LEFTPAREN, // order in sequence of (, +, -, * and / is required PLUS,     // as a proxy for arithmetic precedence MINUS, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, RIGHTPAREN, NUM, OPERATOR, ERRORTOKEN }; struct keyname { char* keyword; uint8_t token; }; const keyname operators[OPCOUNT] = { { "+", PLUS }, { "-", MINUS }, { "*", MULTIPLY }, { "/", DIVIDE }, { "(", LEFTPAREN }, { ")", RIGHTPAREN } }; struct StatItem { uint8_t sType; union { double fVal; uint8_t iVal; }; }; uint8_t statItemCount, errCode; StatItem statItems[MAXTOKENS]; char buff[BUFFSIZE]; char *pptr, *nptr; int main() { cout << "Enter an expression\n"; while (true) { cin.getline(buff, 132); processExpr(); cout << "Another?\n"; }     return 0; } void processExpr() { if (strlen(buff) == 0) { return; } if (strlen(buff) == 0) { return; } pptr = nptr = buff; statItemCount = 0; bool lastWasOp = true; uint8_t tkn = findNextToken(lastWasOp); while (tkn != ERRORTOKEN && statItemCount <= MAXTOKENS) { lastWasOp = false; switch (tkn) { case NUM: statItems[statItemCount].sType = tkn; statItems[statItemCount].fVal = atof(pptr); break; default: statItems[statItemCount].sType = OPERATOR; statItems[statItemCount].iVal = tkn; lastWasOp = true; break; } statItemCount++; pptr = nptr; tkn = findNextToken(lastWasOp); } errCode = validateExp(); if (errCode == 0) { double res = evalExp(); if (errCode == 0) { // no evaluation error cout << "Evaluates to: " << res << '\n'; } } if (errCode != 0) { displayError(); } } uint8_t findNextToken(bool wasOp) { // we are looking for constants and operators // ignore whitespace between statement components while (isspace(*pptr)) { pptr++; } if (*pptr == 0) { return ERRORTOKEN; } if (isdigit(*pptr) || (*pptr == '-' && wasOp) || *pptr == '.') { bool isNum = false; int i = (isdigit(*pptr)) ? 0 : 1; for (int j = strlen(pptr); i < j; i++) { if (isdigit(pptr[i]) || pptr[i] == '.') { isNum = true; nptr = pptr + i; } else { break; } } if (isNum) { nptr++; return NUM; } } for (int k = 0; k < OPCOUNT; k++) { if (strncmp(pptr, operators[k].keyword, strlen(operators[k].keyword)) == 0) { nptr = pptr + strlen(operators[k].keyword); return operators[k].token; } } return ERRORTOKEN; } uint8_t validateExp() { int pCount = 0; int tr = 0; bool wasOp = true; for (int i = 0; i < statItemCount; i++) { int st = statItems[i].sType; int tk = statItems[i].iVal; if (st == OPERATOR) { if (tk == LEFTPAREN) { pCount++; continue; } if (tk == RIGHTPAREN) { pCount--; continue; } if (wasOp) { return 3; } wasOp = true; } if (st == NUM) { if (!wasOp) { return 5; } wasOp = false; } } if (pCount != 0) { return 7; } if (wasOp) { return 6; // op without value } return 0; } double evalExp() { Stack<int> opStack; Stack<double> valStack; // create a value stack and operator stack int op; float r, l; for (int i = 0; i < statItemCount; i++) { if (statItems[i].sType == NUM) { valStack.push(statItems[i].fVal); continue; } if (statItems[i].sType == OPERATOR) { if (statItems[i].iVal == LEFTPAREN) { opStack.push(LEFTPAREN); continue; } if (statItems[i].iVal == RIGHTPAREN) { while (opStack.peek() != LEFTPAREN) { op = opStack.pop(); r = valStack.pop(); l = valStack.pop(); // get the order right before left valStack.push(doArith(op, l, r)); } opStack.pop(); //remove the left paren continue; } // another operator while (opStack.stackCount() > 0) { if (opStack.peek() >= statItems[i].iVal) { // while any existing operators have higher precedence op = opStack.pop(); r = valStack.pop(); l = valStack.pop(); // get the order right before left valStack.push(doArith(op, l, r)); } else { break; } } opStack.push(statItems[i].iVal); // push the new op } } // work back through the stack while (opStack.stackCount() > 0) { op = opStack.pop(); r = valStack.pop(); l = valStack.pop(); valStack.push(doArith(op, l, r)); } return valStack.pop(); } double doArith(uint8_t op, double lVal, double rVal) { switch (op) { case MULTIPLY: return lVal * rVal; case DIVIDE: if (rVal == 0) { errCode = 21; return 0; } return lVal / rVal; case MINUS: return lVal - rVal; case PLUS: return lVal + rVal; default: return 0; } } void displayError() { switch (errCode) { case 3: cout << "Operator does not follow a value\n"; break; case 5: cout << "Expression is missing an operator\n"; break; case 6: cout << "Incomplete expression\n"; break; case 7: cout << "Missing parenthasis\n"; break; case 21: cout << "Divide by zero error\n"; break; default: cout << "Undefined error\n"; break; } }

#include "Stack.h" #define OPCOUNT 6 #define MAXTOKENS 30 #define BUFFSIZE 133 enum Tokens { LEFTPAREN, // order in sequence of (, +, -, * and / is required PLUS,     // as a proxy for arithmetic precedence MINUS, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, RIGHTPAREN, NUM, OPERATOR, ERRORTOKEN }; struct keyname { const char* keyword; uint8_t token; }; const keyname operators[OPCOUNT] = { {"+", PLUS}, {"-", MINUS}, {"*", MULTIPLY}, {"/", DIVIDE}, {"(", LEFTPAREN}, {")", RIGHTPAREN} }; struct statItem { uint8_t sType; union{     float fVal;     uint8_t iVal; }; }; uint8_t statItemCount, errCode; statItem statItems[MAXTOKENS]; char buff[BUFFSIZE]; int buffPos = 0; char *pptr, *nptr; template<class T> inline Print &operator <<(Print &obj, T arg) { obj.print(arg); return obj; } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); memset(buff, '\0', BUFFSIZE); Serial.println("Send an expression:"); } void loop() { if(Serial.available()) {     char c =;     switch(c) {      case 10:      case 13:         processExpr();         break;      default:      if(buffPos <= BUFFSIZE-1) {         buff[buffPos++] = c;      }     } } } void processExpr() { if (strlen(buff) == 0) {return;} pptr = nptr = buff; statItemCount = 0; bool lastWasOp = true; uint8_t tkn = findNextToken(lastWasOp); while (tkn != ERRORTOKEN && statItemCount <= MAXTOKENS) {     lastWasOp = false;     switch(tkn) {      case NUM:         statItems[statItemCount].sType = tkn;         statItems[statItemCount].fVal = atof(pptr);         break;      default:         statItems[statItemCount].sType = OPERATOR;         statItems[statItemCount].iVal = tkn;         lastWasOp = true;         break;     }     statItemCount++;     pptr = nptr;     tkn = findNextToken(lastWasOp); } errCode = validateExp(); if (errCode == 0) {     float res = evalExp();     Serial.println(buff);     if(errCode == 0){      Serial.print("Evaluates to: ");      int ri = res;      if(res-ri == 0.0) {         Serial.println(ri);      } else {         Serial.println(res, 5);      }     } } if(errCode != 0) {     displayError(); } buffPos = 0; memset(buff, '\0', BUFFSIZE); Serial.println("Send another expression?"); } uint8_t findNextToken(bool wasOp){ // we are looking for constants and operators // ignore whitespace between statement components while(isWhitespace(*pptr)) {     pptr++; } if(*pptr == 0) {     return ERRORTOKEN; } if(isdigit(*pptr) || (*pptr == '-' && wasOp) || *pptr == '.') {     bool isNum = false;     int i = (isdigit(*pptr)) ? 0 : 1;     for(int j = strlen(pptr); i < j; i++) {      if (isdigit(pptr[i]) || pptr[i] == '.') {         isNum = true;         nptr = pptr + i;      } else {break;}     }     if(isNum) {      nptr++;      return NUM;     } } for(int k = 0; k < OPCOUNT; k++) {     if(strncmp(pptr, operators[k].keyword, strlen(operators[k].keyword)) == 0) {      nptr = pptr + strlen(operators[k].keyword);      return operators[k].token;     } } return ERRORTOKEN; } int validateExp() { int pCount = 0; int tr = 0; bool wasOp = true; for(int i = 0; i < statItemCount; i++) {     int st = statItems[i].sType;     int tk = statItems[i].iVal;     if(st == OPERATOR){      if(tk == LEFTPAREN) {pCount++; continue;}      if(tk == RIGHTPAREN) {pCount--; continue;}      if(wasOp) {return 3;}      wasOp = true;     }     if(st == NUM) {      if(!wasOp) {         return 5;      }      wasOp = false;     } } if(pCount != 0) {     return 7; } if(wasOp) {     return 6; // op without value } return 0; } float evalExp() { Stack<int> opStack; Stack<float> valStack; // create a value stack and operator stack int op; float r, l; for(int i = 0; i < statItemCount; i++) {     if(statItems[i].sType == NUM) {      valStack.push(statItems[i].fVal);      continue;     }     if(statItems[i].sType == OPERATOR) {      if(statItems[i].iVal == LEFTPAREN) {         opStack.push(LEFTPAREN);         continue;      }      if(statItems[i].iVal == RIGHTPAREN) {         while(opStack.peek() != LEFTPAREN) {          op = opStack.pop();          r = valStack.pop();          l = valStack.pop(); // get the order right before left          valStack.push(doArith(op, l, r));         }         opStack.pop(); //remove the left paren         continue;      }      // another operator      while(opStack.stackCount() > 0) {         if(opStack.peek() >= statItems[i].iVal){          // while any existing operators have higher precedence          op = opStack.pop();          r = valStack.pop();          l = valStack.pop(); // get the order right before left          valStack.push(doArith(op, l, r));         } else {          break;         }      }      opStack.push(statItems[i].iVal); // push the new op     } } // work back through the stack while(opStack.stackCount() > 0) {      op = opStack.pop();      r = valStack.pop();      l = valStack.pop();      valStack.push(doArith(op, l, r)); } return valStack.pop(); } float doArith(int op, float lVal, float rVal) { switch(op) {     case MULTIPLY:      return lVal * rVal;     case DIVIDE:      if(rVal == 0) {          errCode = 21;          return 0;      }      return lVal / rVal;     case MINUS:      return lVal - rVal;     case PLUS:      return lVal + rVal;     default:      return 0; } } void displayError() { switch (errCode) { case 3:     Serial << "Operator does not follow a value\n";     break; case 5:     Serial << "Expression is missing an operator\n";     break; case 6:     Serial << "Incomplete expression\n";     break; case 7:     Serial << "Missing parenthesis\n";     break; case 21:     Serial << "Divide by zero error\n";     break; default:     Serial << "Undefined error\n";     break; } }

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